It's Time to Turn That Frown Upside Down!

Ready for a great children’s book to help your kiddo with turning that frown upside down? Get your copy of Katy’s latest book now!

Turn Stress into Laughter: Transform Your School, Organization, or Workplace with Katy's Unique Programs

Imagine a place where stress melts away with every laugh, where students, employees, and team members find joy and connection through the power of humor. Welcome to the world of Katy, a renowned Laughter Yoga Teacher, Stress Management Coach, and BSN Certified Cardiac Rehab Professional. Katy has dedicated her career to transforming lives, one laugh at a time.

Stress and anxiety are rampant, affecting performance, well-being, and overall happiness. Traditional wellness programs often fall short, leaving you searching for a solution that truly resonates. This is where Katy’s unique approach makes all the difference.

With her extensive experience and engaging style, Katy offers laughter yoga sessions and stress management workshops tailored to meet the needs of schools, organizations, and workplaces. Her programs are designed not only to reduce stress but also to build lasting habits of joy and positivity. Through practical techniques and a fun, engaging atmosphere, Katy helps individuals and teams rediscover their inner happiness.

Whether you’re an educator looking to boost student morale, a corporate leader aiming to enhance employee well-being, or an organization seeking innovative team-building activities, Katy’s programs provide the perfect solution.

Katy’s dynamic presentations and contagious spirit spread smiles as she shares the scientifically-backed benefits of laughter.
She customizes her programs to meet your company’s unique needs, leaving your team feeling refreshed, motivated, and better connected.

She has successfully helped countless schools and companies transform their environments, leading to happier, healthier, and more productive communities.

Ready to bring laughter and well-being into your school, organization, or workplace? Book Katy to speak at your next event and experience the transformative power of her programs. Click below to schedule a session and start your journey toward a happier, healthier, and more connected community.

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Why Choose Katy

build trust and collaboration among employees

Ongoing laughter yoga sessions, humor workshops, and positivity training can re-energize your team members and transform company culture. Laughter is a simple and fun tool for reconnecting teams, reenergizing staff, and reducing stress for health professionals in the workplace.

reduce workplace stress

A 45 minute session of Laughter Yoga decreased participants’ stress by up to 65%. A study on using comedy to make participants laugh and be happy showed that they work more productively due to improved morale.

leave your team feeling refreshed and better connected

Three separate studies have shown that regular laughter sessions increased Workplace Wellbeing by connecting people. It increases oxygen in our lungs by 25% which when distributed to the body cells improves energy levels and also to the brain which helps us think more effectively.

Download Your D-Stress Cheatsheet (it's free!)

It's packed with quick tips to start bringing more lightheartedness and laughter into your daily life right now.

Bring the uplifting power of laughter into your workplace or organization

Katy believes in education and that stress management is important as stress is a risk factor for job satisfaction. Working in healthcare has always been stressful but since COVID started it has elevated the stress and disconnect to new levels never seen before. For this reason, healthcare teams are currently at high risk and needing tools in order to survive these trying times. 

About Katy

Katy has always used humor to diffuse stress and anxiety of patients but was intrigued to learn more of the practice of Laughter Yoga when her work started an Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. She traveled three hours to participate in several programs before taking the leap into becoming a Laughter Leader, and then after a few years to become a Laughter Teacher. Katy is known as the Laughing Nurse. With a quick wit that creates laughter, patients and staff feel welcomed and engaged in their own journey. With a magnetic, captivating and high spirited style, participants after a session comment on how they feel calm but energized through the use of this Mirthful Medicine.
Katy believes in education and that stress management is important as stress is a risk factor for job satisfaction. Working in healthcare has always been stressful but since COVID started it has elevated the stress and disconnect to new levels never seen before. For this reason, healthcare teams are currently at high risk and needing tools in order to survive these trying times.
Katy Maag BSN, RN, CCRP is a Registered Nurse in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit where she assists heart patients in stress management and heart health education. She is a Stress Management Coach, Laughter Therapist and Teacher, a Member of the American College of Cardiology, American Association of Cardiac Pulmonary Rehabilitation, and active in advocating for Heart Health and Mental Health for healthcare teams and patients at a national level. She has been nominated as a Nurse of Hope and presented several times for The Ohio American Association of Cardiac Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

De-Stress with your free gift from Katy:

Fill out the form below to get your free De-Stress Cheatsheet from Katy, the laughing nurse!

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